Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Right Step to Overcome Stress is Coming

Stress not only makes the mind but also burdened health continued to weaken. Not only that, the threat of dangerous diseases were often easily infect and mengindap body because of the burden of stress that comes.

Reporting from MSN, then there are several ways to cope with stress may invite dangerous diseases. Here's how to do:

  • Focus on relaxation
And practice stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation and tai chi shown to reduce stress hormones and increases immune function. In one study, people who practice yoga on a regular basis has decreased some body's inflammatory response. Inflammation is emerging as a major cause of heart disease, among many other chronic conditions.

"Dedicating a certain time in the day to focus on the body and a really relaxed and did not care what happened on the day that you went through," said John Simmons, Jr., MD, assistant professor of family medicine at Texas A & M Health Science Center College of Medicine in Bryan.

  • Connect with your friends
Spending too much time alone not only mental health but also affect heart health. This is true whether you've actually been diagnosed with heart disease.

Meanwhile, according to a study, women were more vulnerable women with chest pain and other problems if they have a bit of social relations when he was recovering from a heart attack. So, please feel free to socialize with friends and surroundings. Make sure we always connect with real friends.

" If you have a lot of friends and they mean to you then it will be profitable "
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