Senin, 16 Desember 2013

5 Ways to Stop Snoring Habit

Snoring is a rough sound that comes out when partially closed airway during sleep. Several factors affect the incidence of snoring among others mouth and sinus anatomy, alcohol consumption, allergies, acute respiratory infections, and weight. In some cases, snoring can indicate serious health problems such as sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is characterized by loud snoring sound followed by silence due to stop breathing for a while. In the end, people will wake up with the sound of a loud sigh. Breathing pattern is repeated many times throughout the night, at least five times per hour.

This problem can lead to complications such as daytime sleepiness, mood disorders such as frequent frustration or anger, difficulty concentrating, increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke, and more. One thing is for sure, disruptive snoring couples sleep next to us.

Lifestyle changes can help reduce this habit.

  • Maintain a healthy weight and ideal weight.
Excess weight can cause snoring. Fatty tissue around the neck suppress airway and prevent air in and out freely.

  • Sleep on his side.
When sleeping on your back, tongue, chin, and excess fatty tissue under the chin to experience relaxation and suppress airway

  • Avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime.
Alcohol causes muscle relaxation experience more than normal during sleep.

  • Stop or reduce smoking.
Cigarette smoke irritates the walls of the nasal cavity and throat, causing swelling and accumulation of mucus or slam. When the airways to swell, it is difficult to breathe through the nose.

  • Keep a clean airway
Keep a clean airway with breathing through the nose. Try oleaskan eucalyptus oil on the pillow. If the allergy causes nasal blockage, use of antihistamines (either in the form of tablets or nasal spray).

If lifestyle changes do not work, the doctor may recommend some measures such as the use of oral appliance, CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), palatal implants, and laser surgery to shorten the soft palate and uvula throw.
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