Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Let Banish Cellulite With 3 Mineral Consumption It

Cellulite is one of the many enemies encountered by men. Since the appearance of cellulite is not a few women who become insecure when with friends. Although today many creams or drugs that claimed to get rid of cellulite, but there are natural ways you can do.

Quoted from the Daily Health Post, cellulite can be expelled by using several types of minerals contained in the food. So what are the minerals, the following list :

  • Fosfor
Mineral phosphorus can help eliminate cellulite because phosphorus can heal and repair damaged tissues and cells. In addition, phosphorus is also good to burn calories and increase energy. You can get the phosphorus in foods such as salmon, beef, pork, beans, and squash.

  • selenium
Selenium is a mineral that has a lot of antioxidants and can eliminate toxins from the body. Selenium is also good to keep skin looking youthful. In addition to eliminating cellulite, selenium can also increase the body's metabolism. Selenium can be found in foods such as chicken, beef, seafood, or whole wheat bread.

  • Zinc
Such as phosphorus, zinc is also important in the repair of damaged tissues and cells. Zinc also has antioxidant substances. Not only that, a good zinc to increase metabolism and balance blood sugar, and helps burn fat. Zinc can be found in seafood, spinach, lamb, beef, pumpkin seeds, and cashews.

Eating foods rich in the above minerals is one way that can be done to eliminate cellulite. Another way is to go on a diet to eliminate toxins, exercising, and avoiding toxic substances in the environment.
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